<body> - Music lets my soul soar -

Celeste Cordeiro
Sec 2/3 2007
Newly elected student councilor
Chorister (that means i'm in choir)
Blue house


a tablet laptop.
a hotter older brother
to be happy no matter what


lynette lee
amanda leo


  • February 2006
  • March 2006
  • April 2006
  • May 2006
  • June 2006
  • July 2006
  • August 2006
  • September 2006
  • October 2006
  • March 2007
  • June 2007
  • August 2007
  • September 2007
  • October 2007

  • ...GOSSIP


    ...Lost in beauty

    layout design, coding,  photo-editing,

    by ice angel

    Brushes- 1| 2

    Friday, August 31, 2007

    hello people, its me again. Today was teachers day and i swear the concert was like damn funny lah. i mean like the whole concert. but i think the funniest was when the teachers paraded in their outfits and all. guess what, mr chan dressed up like flinstones (cause all the teachers had a dress code)and he was like walking around school like that. HA! so funny.

    There was mass before the concert and i sang for mass cause its compulsory for all class chairpersons. haha. And then linnette, samira and constance sang "the prayer" together. IT WAS SUPERLY DUPERLY AWSOME. it really is so nice la. i'm so jealous of linnette's voice la. i want to marry linnette's voice. its just so unfair that some people have the nicest voice. argh.

    OH YA. the teachers had to parade in their costumes and it was funny. i mean, mr jiow, mrs tan and mr tan were all acting in some casino royale thing. it was like, mr jiow and mrs tan were a couple and supposedly mr tan wanted to snatch mrs tan away from mr jiow. so mr tan and mr jiow were fighting over mrs tan. haha. what mrs tan said was funny. "oh, tims, what took you so long?" ahaha. seriously its just so weird to imagine that your teachers would say that. haha.

    oh, and yesterday, my brother, matthew was cam whore-ing. and marc was just using the computer and didnt bother cam whore-ing. here are the pics.

    he thinks he's cool. so matthew.

    yes, he likes the camera, matthew does.

    i'm playing computer. stop taking pictures of me! and thats marc.

    acting cool. with MY SUNGLASSES.

    talk to the cheek.

    I had faith, hope and love;

    Wednesday, August 29, 2007

    hello peps. Yup, I'M IN SCHOOL AGAIN. AND I'M BLOGGING, I HOPE I DONT GET CAUGHT. i'm supposedly studying for geog and science, but right now, as you can tell, i;m blogging.

    i'm kinda guessing our EP teacher has given up on trying to get our class to do anything since the moment i stepped in she hasnt said anything and is just surfing the net or whatever hell she's doing right now. She's tying her hair, i guess there's nothing more interesting to do when the class just wont listen cause we gt the compuers in front of us.

    Oh well. Amanda leo, the one who wanted to kill me cause she was pulling on to me while we were climbing the stairs and APPARENTLY i almost fell. and the stupid reason she wanted to go for EP first? to get a computer facing the wall so the teacher wont see them surfing the net and what not. on the contrary though, even those who sit right in front of her dont really care about her since she's not caring anyway. Right now, amanda is watching a youtube video starring jesse metcalfe. Ya from "John tucker must die" yea. she's swooning over a video. and saying "he's super hot la". And, oh no, even iniki, the sane one is saying the same. i mean ya i know he's like hot and all, but its like swooning over a video! and amanda isnt taking care to keep the volume of her video down either. Kimberley could hear the song from the other end of the lab, and she asked amanda to turn the song louder. AND SHE DID. seriously. the teacher doesnt care anymore.

    On the other side of me, catherine is blogging away too. and nobody is really studying now. even though i'm pretty sure the reason the teacher isnt attempting to teach us right now is because she is giving us time to study, but obviously, we;re not. Catherine just told me i type slow since she started after me and now her post is long. BUT i went over to amanda to look at her video. and since I HAVE BRAINS i think its appropriate to think before i write dont you think so.

    But dont get me wrong. Cathy is my best friend. and besides, its not very nice to lie to your best friend and give her false hope, you know what i mean. YEA. catherine is now hugging me and so is amanda. leo. and right now she's reading my every word i;m writing and squeezing me and attepmting to kiss me and just said "i love you celeste" and she wants me to say that i love her more. haha. thats funny. cathy wants to show the whole world how her "to-be-boyfriend" looks like. or at least she wants that guy to be her to be boyfriend.

    i just saw his face and i must say her taste is getting better. i mean compared to the last time. And yet again amanda is looking at her stupid video. i'm so sad, its geog and science today. i mean science i'm not the most worried about, it geog. cause technically i havent really studied and well, thats not a good thing. i think science is more of a common sense thing? cause like light and all, it occurs everywhere and sometimes i, quite like science. Its quite likable, that is, when you're not failing or anything. I NEED TO GET AN A2 FOR SCIENCE TO GET INTO THE CLASS THAT I WANT BUT THATS QUITE HIGH A GOAL FOR ME SINCE I HAVENT GOTTEN HIGHER THAN A B3 FOR SCIENCE IN SECONDARY SCHOOL BEFORE. YES. very good. so all i have to do now is hope that i can remember what i studied for and that the rest of the level doesnt do so well. haha. i mean realistically speaking i dont stand a chance. what with all the 2/1 and 2/2 people competing for tripple science. Oh well, i've decided not to go to triple science already anway. Its hard, and i dont want to make my life any harder.

    I just watched this video that amanda asked me to watch, its so sweet la. the video was about this girl who was dying and this guy who gave her in a sense "happiness" and then cause, she's dying, at the end of the video, i shows that the guy gave his heart, literally to the girl just so she could live. HE SACRIFICED HIS LIFE FOR HER. thats so sweet. its so touching like he couldnt live without her that he;s rather die. and thats what he did. AH. so sweet.

    I wonder why that never happens in real life situations i mean, in real life guys are such jerks. well at least at this age. they dont really care how you feel do they? They just want what they want and once they get it, there's nothing more to interest him, he's gone. COME ON. its so ugh. but anyway, whatever. I lead an unscandalous life. catherine is craning her neck to read my post again. and she agrees with me, that guys are jerks. as i was saying. i lead an unscandalous life so, it doesnt really affect me. i miss promenade. and did i say it yet? i'm a newly elected councilor. and when i told my mom about the elections, she said "so PAP" haha. cause she said that even in school we have elections and stuff. and apparently, my dad hates PAP, but you earn alot when you get to be one of the ministers, so.. if i had the choice to make, should i go for the money or ask my dad to decide for me? i dont really want to be a minister anyway, and its not as if i'd ever become one anyway.haha.

    ok, enough about the minister thing. i think that being a councilor is cool and i'm supposed to have won $10 from cathy from betting that agnes would accept the post. i would so have won. but one day before we had to decide, cathy said she wanted to change her bet to, agnes would accept the post without persuasion, and i mean, how can i win? once she persuades agnes, and agnes accepts the post, she would win. HOW CAN I WIN? so we called of the bet. i could have been $10 richer if she didnt call it off. and that reminds me. lissa and marrissa owe me $5.40 each and jaime still owes me $4.50. i want the money. ok, correction, i need to money. its my allowance! and it has been a month and they still havent paid me back. wonderful isnt it?

    AH. shit i need to go back to class in 5 minutes so i have to go off now.
    BYE BYE PEOPLE. till next time.
    If next time comes early enough.
    OK, BYE NOW.

    I had faith, hope and love;

    Tuesday, August 28, 2007

    After promenade is over, the 'sadness' sets in. But right now, i'm kinda over that period and i just miss promenade and i'm back into the mode where 'i-so-going-to-fail-my-CA'S-if-i-dont-continue-to-mug-but-i-just-dont-feel-like-studying'. So yea.

    i'm in school right now, supposedly studying for the histiry exam thats going to happen in an hour. But i just felt like blogging so here i am. Marie is tying my very layered hair and catherine is beside me testing her history. Seems like everyone else is mugging except me. Well, i could say that i'm waiting for catherine to finish testing Maire and wait for her to test me.

    SHIT. the bell just went. 2 more periods to history and i'm starting to start to panic so i think that i should start to study again, seeing that i'm hopeless at history and the only reason i want to pass history is because i want to get into the subject combination i want. THAT DOES NOT MEAN I WANT TO DO SS/HISTORY. infact, i really hate history, but i do better in history than in the subjects that i like, for example, lit. i never seem to be able to even PASS lit. why, though? i mug like crazy for it, yet i still fail. Oh well, i think i'll just have to face the fact that i'm never going to do well in history.

    OK i REALLY SHOULD GO NOW. i'm going to ask catherine to test me cause if i dont, as usual, I'LL FAIL. so goodbye. and catherine says that shes so great. that ego freak

    I had faith, hope and love;